Fame, Fortune & Freedom
Fame, Fortune & Freedom

BOD retreat & Breakthrough Program (BBP)

Today company BOD is an important competitive weapon in the business world. But most of the BODs and their directors are inactive. In order to make them active, some offsite business brainstorming sessions will help.

Use Board retreats for breakthrough thinking. Withdrawing from daily business activities for three to five days and spending at semi-official environment by the board members to discuss the future of the company is called the BOD retreat & Breakthrough Program. Rigid corporate rooms are not suitable for free talking and wider thinking. Three to five days once a year will make an impact on the BOD functioning and change the direction of the company. Even if this event is organized in a resort with good conference facilities, it is purely a business event. But the relaxed environment helps the members think out of the box.

Designed and conducted properly, a three day off-site meeting is the single best mechanism for making breakthroughs of many kinds, from transforming the board dynamics to discovering flaws in the strategy and launching the company onto a whole new trajectory. It also allows for bonding and sensing management depth.

Given an open, informal atmosphere and a foundation of knowledge, directors will use the time to probe company strategy.